Thursday, October 24, 2013

Volumax Styling Gel

Found at Sally Beauty Supply and Walgreens. 


  1. This stuff revolutionized my low-dew routine. Holy game changer, Batman! It comes out super sticky, which seems alarming, but if you apply it to very wet hair and use the "scrunch and pump" technique, it is semi-liquid magic. I get amazing hold and it enhances the waves in my weak-patterned hair. It might be a little crunchy for some people's tastes, but my pattern is so weak, I really can't get enough hold. SOTC with something soft (maybe a pea sized dollop of conditioner), and your 'do will be touchable again. I can't tell you how much I love this stuff. Can't wait to see if it works in high/medium dews too!

    -Review from Emily, 2a/b.

  2. I have been using this gel for about a week now and I am really liking it. It is not sticky and gives me just the right amount of hold. I have been using it by itself and it makes my waves so soft and shiny! I like that it has heat and UV protectant too.
